Archive Search

  • ... order) Date created: 2016 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...
  • ... to search and download the corresponding images from the Internet.† When users for example...
  • Orbic Field s03 -
    ... order) Date created: 2018 This is a still image from Acevedo’s Electronic Visual Music work...
  • ... hypersensitive environment transforms the image to a reactive system which parasites on it¹s...
  • San Marco Flow -
    ... Marco in Venice into a pair of evolving images representing two views of the recent...
  • ... signal in real time so that the processed image of the spectator face is seen directly on...
  • Rambona -
    ... as object of desire" (cover girl) into an image of power. Rambo becomes Rambona. Says the...
  • ... the spectator sees a large virtual image projected into the museum space - this image...
  • ... Sisyphus" is a multimedia installation in which the image "At the Bar" is filtered by a computer...
  • ... reliefs are based on the same microscopic image of carbon substance, which is being...