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  • Autopoiesis -
    ... telephone tones, which are a musical language for the group. Autopoiesis is "self making", a characteristic of all living systems...
  • Tele-Twister -
    ... the comfort of your computer. As a player, you log in and are automatically assigned to either the Red or Blue team. You view and...
  • Boids
    ... capture the global behavior of a large number of interacting autonomous agents. Individual-based models are being used in biology,...
  • the leap -
    ... this installation is to create a significant, distinctive and autonomous work of art through strong medial experiences. The Leap...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... that are still unknown to Poetry Machine, the program sends autonomous „bots" into the internet to get appropriate informations....
  • ... The replication of another snake as a clone of memes is automatically sent to any other machine, as well the creatures created...
  • Off-Sense -
    ... features for the %Off-Sense" is some artificial intelligences. Autonomous movements and a capabilities of artificial conversations....
  • ... und Politologen vorgetragenen Positionen der italienischen Autonomie zum Thema und die gelegentlichen Interventionen der Künstler...
  • ... "neutral" living room. This space can be transformed automatically by scanning a website to extract its images, texts,...
  • ... Controlled by a computerized tracking system, the belts rotate automatically to follow the public, turning their buckles slowly to...