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  • Metropolis -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 16 x 16 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of
  • Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It aims to find out the real, economic value of human values through EEG (Electroencephalography, and biofeedback). VoV is an extension to the acclaimed Brain Factory project. In both,
  • I"TV : INTERACTIVE IMMERSIVE TV 1999 / 01 i2tv is a model for an electronic arena that explores a new form of live artistic production integrating on-line participants with participants at a real physical location. Participants take part in a
  • VIRTUAL STRIPTEASE : DISTRIBUTED VIRTUAL STUDIO BROADCAST 1995 For the International Video Art Award ceremony organized by ZKM Karlsruhe and Suedwestfunk Baden-Baden (SWF) in 1995, Fleischmann and Strauss conceive a broadcast with audience
  • WHEN TRANSACTIONAL AESTHETICS MEET NEURO-DESIGN ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Speculative Speculation on Values Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It aims to find out the real, economic value of human values through EEG
  • Paravent -
    Video sculpture In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The 'Paravent' functions as a projection screen, displaying a video of a car wash routine captured from the inside of a car. The 'Paravent' shifts its normal function as a private object and becomes
  • Cadence -
    Animated film poem created with a constellation of common wayside flowers, gathered during walks on land reclaimed from the sea along the shore of the Laira estuary, on the coast of SW Britain, an endangered habitat now threatened by coastal erosion
  • Architext - video
    Large LED alphanumeric units are mounted in a 13 x 9 grid on the stage tower of this theater. Like a conventional news sign textual information is scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the
  • Fidelio, 21. Century -
    Adaptation of the opera "Fidelio" (1814) by Beethoven "Fidelio, 21st century" [...] is the first classical to be performed interactively in a three-dimensional virtual reality [...]. On one side of the cellar computer equipment whirs, and the
  • In a world where human transactions mostly apply to human values, where metaphors reside in the syntactic articulation of these values, we may find very peculiar layers of truth that make sense in an unexpected way. Transactional Poetry is