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  • Halo
    ... Premiered July/November 1998 at Harewood House, Leeds, UK. Exhibited November/December... an infra-red remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible...
  • ... on at home, and on screen you see a house in flames. A menacing man with a thick...
  • ... interface table. These container wheels house a series of different media-elements and... virtual world, a new sound mix is made for each user - Seaman calls this Recombinant...
  • Homes
    ... of three Tai O fishermen's family houses. The visitor can walk through, look around,... – the exact view of these homes. Therefore, this is also a culture heritage project.
  • Changes of State -
    ... electricity to 'leak' out of the movie house, beyond its property line, to activate the... and reconfigured almost every day, was up for 5 evenings at the theatre and on the street...
  • CrossWorlds -
    ... I’m extremely impressed with the Berlin’s House of World Cultures. A lot of messages are encoded... cold war period. They were not consciously formulated by the building’s authors, but I can...
  • Stanze -
    ... between a sequence of rooms in a farm house where the artists reproduce painted scenes... The painting is the basic matter for the digital interventions. The experimentation...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... space. In previous works, such as "Playhouse", "Muriel Lake Incident", or "The Paradise... etude to his own demise, the soundtrack for his own death. The bartender puts a new CD on,...
  • ... think bigger and long-term, and created a house and a concept that lived for about 50 years.... of Tronheim, Norway. The objective is for the Nova building to become the focus and the...
  • LAB 1: ART+COM -
    ... in Urban Planning and The Digital Model House. The interactive city simulation... explore the computer as a tool and medium for communication. But, in West Berlin there was...