Archive Search

  • ... bring chaotic lines of abstract form to contrast with the organized...
  • LAM -
    ... as the information passed form one system to another. The...
  • Search -
    ... their opening facing forward, form a free-standing sculpture. The...
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    ... were Land Art projects in the form of a series of photographic...
  • ... that could be considered a form of 'collective unconscious'. That...
  • ... dimension, a marvelous world of form to be explored and enjoyed in the...
  • Pixelwelle
    ... information about Pixelpark in form of a movie clip.
  • See No Evil -
    ... NO EVIL is a drawing and text work in the form of a diary. Through a randomizing...
  • Little Movies -
    ... and a eulogy to its earliest form--QuickTime. The project began in...
  • The Visual Orchestra -
    ... soundtrack) Using color and form, an original music score comes to...