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  • All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players -- Shakespeare. World Stage, uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a year when national, political
  • ...World Skin is an interactive artwork presented for the first time at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). It won the Golden Nica Award in the...
  • ... and their relation to their body. By using the internet as an artistic survey media as many different entries from different...
  • ...World II for BosniaArtist: Jenny HolzerComment:
  • ...World I for BosniaArtist: Jenny HolzerComment:
  • ...Internet, search engine, cartography Maps from the World Nervous System With today's communication networks, the world is equipped...
    ...Imagine a pole piercing the earth. One end emerges in Neunkirchen, Germany and the other at a public space in Tokyo. You can push and pull this...
  • Workaholic
    ... eight pneumatic air-guns, disguised as ordinary hair dryers. Participants can influence the pendulum's path over the bar code...
  • This work needs time. Time to stand, sit or lie in front of your (computer) screen and look at the ongoing disintegration of the never ending Google image search. The result of this disintegration are abstract moving images, which run across the
  • wordotcomnodot -
    é um ensaio sobre a condição da palavra no contexto digital. Apresenta uma antologia da literatura criada para a Internet, um guia comentado de sites sobre a criação e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos com hipertexto, e um fórum aberto ao público sobre