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  • An Explicit Volume -
    An Explicit Volume is an interactive installation comprising nine books arranged in a three by three grid. Each book is operated by an electronic page turner. The project is sited in a darkened space where four red vinyl chairs are arranged facing
  • In 2011 a kinetic installation for the deutsche bank headquaters in Frankfurt had been realized on the basis of an anamorphic distortion of their logo. The logo had been designed by anton Stankowsky in 1974 and was a radical step towards simplicity
  • For the exhibition 'Kunst Over de Vloer' artists were invited to create works in the rooms of a private apartment building. Anamorphoses of Memory was located in a sparse and untidy student's bedroom. A monitor was placed on a mattress on the floor
  • Angels -
    The work uses remote visual sensing techniques to track the viewer. The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the screens. The viewers actions also control their ability to talk, as
  • Infections of a mental kind and the examination of the animalistic are the topics of the Zurich media art group ‹knowbotic research› in their most recent project ANIMAL INFECTED. The infection takes place subtly, for instance with an expres sion
  • ANNA is Anna Karenina. ANDY is Andy Warhol. ANNA AND ANDY uses Tolstoys novel as a script which drives a computer-generated re-creation of Warhol´s "Screen Tests." Interpretation (Lev Manovich, Los Angeles, 8.12.2000) -------------
  • The installation "Another Day in Paradise" was composed of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and touchscreen trees. The equipment not contained in the trees themselves was hidden from view in fiberglass rocks. The monitors were embedded in
  • "This project unfolded around an anti-NATO militarism web portal that was founded in August 2001 and ran until late 2006. The website gained international popularity over the years through covering news about NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe,
  • With "Arabesque" I have concerned myself not only with the sculpting of three dimensions but also with a fourth, the dimension of time. I have endeavored to create a sculpture that evolves transforms and even regresses. An artwork that falls
  • Dans les projets de conception d’exposition, je m’efforce de considérer la scénographie comme une composante significative du message véhiculé par le projet muséographique. Nous sommes en effet passés d’une époque où le muséographe avait