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  • ... itself progressively as a unified, changing space where the...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... potential of the Net as a universe in which minds can float...
  • ... Artificial Changelings is a unique statement on how consumer...
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    'Artificial Landscapes' were Land Art projects in the form of a series of photographic collages, a few of which were actually realized: Cloud of Daytime Sky at Night, Water Totems, Sandquake, Grassroll and Brickhill. These projects typically
  • ... into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is...
  • ... you should notice some of the unintentional randomness of drifting...
  • ... in its secondary form, to the uniting, communicational and...
  • Audio Dust -
    ... Berlin, ZKM Karlsruhe, Cornell University, FILE Festival and Akademie...
  • ... can be interpreted as an unintended taxonomy of YouTube’s...
  • Auditorium
    The Auditorium was the world’s first two-level air-supported structure. With two sets of revolving doors, the ground level could operate at a higher pressure than the upper level. This was necessary to support the weight of people sitting on its