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  • Royal Road - video
    ... viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video monitor. In so doing he passes through a row of six virtual video monitors whose screens display the same sequence of images as the original work.
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... can examine this golden calf from above and below and all sides. Thus the monitor functions like a window that reveals a virtual body apparently located physically in the real space. The golden calf has a shiny mirror-like surface in which the viewer...
  • ...This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual three-dimensional space...
  • ... projection system. The original life sized wooden puppet interface is replaced by an LCD touch screen on which a virtual 3D representation of that puppet can be manipulated by finger movements. (A. Hegedüs)
  • ... is compensated by a predistortion of the generated imagery by means of software that acts on the object coordinates of the virtual scene and effectively emulates an idealized cylindrical projection system. The vertical edges of the individual projected ...
  • ... In the Distributed Legible City there are two or more bicyclists at remote locations who are simultaneously present in the virtual environment. They can meet each other (by accident or intentionally), see abstracted avatar representations of each...
  • ... viewer to interactively rotate a projected image within a large circular projection screen and explore a three dimensional virtual environment constituted by an emblematic constellation of panoramic locations and cinematic events. The work presents a...
  • ... TV construe images inside a fixed frame, the notion of 'augmented reality' that accompanied the development of the virtual reality technologies offers the new paradigm of a mobile viewing window that reveals images that are spatially embedded in...
  • ... cylindrical mirror, the anamorphic distortion of the projected image is optically corrected, so as to present a coherent virtual representation of the original material to the viewer. The recurrent references to Baroque ceiling paintings in Heavens Gate,...
  • Cube
    ... frame cube positioned in the real space of the museum. Further developement of this technology allowed stereo- images to be virtually projected in this way.