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  • ... the Communist Party. The museum space currently houses the Peter Ludwig...
  • ...avity Tractor“, “Mass Driver“ or “Space Tug“ will be explored as well as impulsive...
  • ... "behaviour map" of the space outside. Even as we doubtfully...
  • ... in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an...
  • ... as exclusively maternal. The space “behind” the screen becomes the...
  • ...A unique opportunity to create a new learning environment, the new classroom at... School is a Science teaching space, designed for learning about the...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... the curved edges of the plastic space.
  • COMBATscience -
    ... The viewers penetrate the space, moving between the temporal...
  • Wavefunction -
    ... the entrance to the exhibition space. When someone approaches the...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... seem to appear in the surrunding space – a meaningless "sign" suddenly...