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  • PSyBench -
    ... table, allowing distant users to cooperatively manipulate a shared physical space. PSyBench is a part of the "Tangible...
  • London Dig
    ...London Dig is composed of four 42 inch plasma screens arranged in a rectangular array of two by two screens, creating a larger single image. The...
  • ... defined energy requirements regarding heat transfer and sun screening. Environmental targets: The facade will meet defined...
  • Soundcities -
    ... is an expert in arts technology, CCTV, online networks, touch screens, environmental sensors, and interactive artworks. Recurring...
  • Soul Of The City -
    ... interpretive media art work. The objective is to find some shared understandings of the nature of the 'emotional city' and its...
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    ... These images link the speaker and the listener within their shared physical surroundings of Central Park.
  • ... present in the world. this latest version floods two giant screens with data, projected on the wall and the ground of Deep Space,...
  • Fitness Art Centre -
    ...Three screens are linked to three body-building machines that visitors are invited to use. Doing so activates images of demonstrators projected...
  • ... Real time rating of the World's Emotions. Internet, diode screens Like for the stock exchange, 3200 quotations for an...
  • ... a musical cocktail. The resulting card, the mixing of emotions screened in real time, is read as a partition, based on an...