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  • ... which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by...
  • .../
  • Inertia
    ... the focal point of the visual motion. So the observer finds...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    ... animation of people in chaotic motion lasts as long as the viewer...
  • Cadence -
    ... of vision gives the illusion of motion. Physical contact effects the...
  • Refraction
    ... change they undergo when passing from one medium to another, as...
  • Campos | Temporales -
    ... shimmering illusions of motion, swirling pixels, flowing...
  • ... here take the form of artistic motifs highlight the broader cultural...
  • ... imaginary spatial landscape in motion. My artistic preoccupation with...
  • ... of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them....