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  • Langgpath -
    ...netic sculpture that represents in real time the transfer of files from a database of moving bodies. Files of type BVH (biovision hierarchical...
  • ...Virtual Reality Installation with HMD EyePhone and DataGlove. Developed at ART+COM, Berlin, Germany.
  • ... of discussion; 2) A keyword searchable text and pictorial databases "Community Memory(s)"; 3) The first demonstration of a...
  • ... with musical creativity. The result is shared on a cloud database, collecting each part of sharing and transmission, as well as...
  • Which one is true? -
    ... and record them. The participants’ faces are then stored in a databank and composited to form images with their faces altered. The...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... made from clay, lead, zinc or copper, glass, plastic, or earthenware; finally the usages are again manifold, if drinking,...
  • ... synthesized out of billions of non-curated images stored in database servers around the world. Each composition in the collection...