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  • Voyage -
    It takes at least ten years for an idea to go from first appearance in the laboratoy through translation into the consumer world. Voyage is an image signifying the acceleration of this ten year gestation. It is the symbolic description of the
  • Uncle Roy All Around You is a game played online in a virtual city and on the streets of an actual city. Online Players and Street Players collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total
  • mimesia -
    Mimesia is an interactive painting that draws the viewer into a dream-like flow of unfolding narrative. As if in a dream, the viewer can look around but cannot control what will happen next. The work incorporates paradigms from painting, film and
  • Metropolis -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 16 x 16 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of
  • Push /Pull
    In the installation Push / Pull, by Edwin van der Heide and Marnix de Nijs, visitors can throw their full bodyweight into huge hovercraft-like objects. Each player has their ‘own’ playing field with their ‘own’ interactive hovercraft and yet the
  • An expressive interaction between three dogs making comment on a debate over the changing position of art within Europe. Three pure-bred German Shepherds were chained at three different locations in the space. These locations were their territory to
  • Plasm: Yer Mug -
    A 50's themed diner provides the setting for an interactive encounter with disturbing denizens in the virtual mirror across the counter. On-screen breakfast reassembles itself into characters who react to the customers' every move.
  • Stream I Stream II -
    Stream deals with issues concerning presence, both physical and remote (virtual), and asks "what if" we all lost the ability to differentiate ourselves and our sense of singularity in the world? What would it be like if we could all see what
  • Interactive digital video projection environment 12 x 12 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sue Hawksley (Choreography) and Stuart Jones (sound) Produced by Victoria
  • Halo
    Interactive digital video projection environment 30 x 10 x 12 metres 4 large scale video projections, colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sarah Rubidge (choreography) and Stuart Jones (sound) Produced by Film and