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  • Angels -
    ... controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the screens. The viewers actions also control their ability to talk, as...
  • Shadows -
    ... controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the screens. The figures are all independently interactive, and are...
  • March -
    ... walk on this ramp determines the flow of images on three screens: one projected image and two images on large monitors, one on...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... brings together the Eastern and Western minds through their shared process centered on patience. Both cultures use these bottom-up...
  • new skin -
    ... corners of a room onto a pair of suspended, intersecting oval screens, the work is part film and part sculpture. The film depicts a...
  • ... blood and the redness of the plant's veins as a marker of our shared heritage in the wider spectrum of life. By combining human and...
  • PegBlocks -
    ... of the network. Pegblocks extend the notion of Distributed Shared Physical Objects of inTouch to explore re-configurable, haptic...
  • Cosmopolis
    ... square feet ). Equipment : * 12 retroprojection screens, 4x3m * 12 video projectors * 12 virtual reality...
  • TeamWorkStation -
    ... combines two or more translucent live-video images of computer screens or physical desktop surfaces using a video synthesis... TeamWorkStation was designed to provide seamless realtime shared drawing space for geographically distributed group. The key design idea of...
  • inTouch -
    ... that people, separated by distance, are interacting with a shared physical object. The "shared" object provides a haptic link...