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  • hello process! -
    aymeric mansoux / marloes de valk , 2006-2010 Computer, dot matrix printer, chain paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at: and it is sold under Public License GNU , version
    A specially commissioned gallery installation for, Art & money Online held at Tate, Britain in March 2001 and curated by Julian Stallabrass -based on our webwork In CNN Interactive just got more interactive artists Jon
  • Nemo Observatorium -
    Styrofoam beads are blown around in a big transparent PVC cylinder by five strong fans. Visitors can take place on the armchair in the middle of the whirlpool or observe from the outside one at a time. On the chair, in the eye of the storm it is
  • Compass -
    Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine
  • The installation ensemble, «The Edison Effect» connects the Ages of Mechanical, Electronic, and Digital Audio-Technologies. Different interactive systems probe the acoustic inscriptions of vinyl discs, and other objects, with the help of laser beams
  • Packet Garden -
    Packet Garden captures information about how you use the internet and uses this stored information to grow a private world you can later explore. To do this, Packet Garden takes note of all the servers you visit, their geographical location and
  • Solar -
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on an application to be presented at the V&A Decode exhibition opening in December. I was asked to rework the Solar piece so that it could be audio responsive in real-time. During the development,
  • "Simultaneous Echos" is the most recent production of the series "Field-works," compositing video images and locational data captured by GPS, production was made in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. The project is focused onto music production
  • Bloom
    Bloom is an internet-based Earthwork that transforms seismic data into an exhuberant display of color. A seismometer at the Hayward Fault continuously measures the Earth's motion and transmits this data over the Internet to the installation, where
  • In the center of the room, on a riser approximately 5 feet tall, a square fish tank, bare, approx 2x3x4 feet, spotlit from above. Inside swim 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated