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  • Interference – a network dropping out, white noise on screens – is seldom welcome. Yet without it, we might not encounter new perspectives or discover new stars. At Jodrell Bank Observatory, scientists regard interference as unhelpful noise or
  • Specious Dialogue is a playful exploration of conversation. The work comprises two cubic sculptures mounted on casters, one black and one white, house battery-powered tiny cameras, as well as wireless recording and playback systems. These can be
  • Suspended Spring -
    The Nantesbuch Foundation focuses on artworks dealing with nature. In April, they asked 100 of their artists to create a video piece on nature in the spring. See their website for the online exhibit "Arts of Spring." To express my feeling of having
  • Enter the Plastoscene -
    Humans have created a whole new epoch for the denizens of the ocean: the Plastocene. Plastic has become a ubiquitous part of the world's oceans, permeating all layers from the surface down to the darkest depths. Humans like to consider themselves
  • In Particular -
    Nanoparticles are already in daily use, for example, enhancing the functionality of sun creams and sticking plasters. Meanwhile, work is underway to develop revolutionary, futuristic advances – such as tiny machines that can zip around our
  • b) nanotextures -
    b) nanotextures is a generative abstract animation designed for use as a real-time visual score. It was created as part of HEARIMPROV, an experimental audiovisual concert by artist Adinda van ‘t Klooster that visualised sound for people interested
  • The chair’s interactive interface creates a sonic environment that transforms our emotional state into sound. Drawing inspiration from John Cage's 4'33”, the concept of the chair explores themes of waiting, boredom, silence, and noise. As visitors
  • This Augmented reality video is an early short version of the video installation 'Hortus Delicarium'. Its about the dilemma between our changing perception of reality through the interference of emerging technologies and our demand for nostalgy,
  • Bichicuchitu - video
    Bichicuchitu” is a 3D computer animation inspired by new debates concerning biological productions that challenge definitions of what’s considered distinct species, calling for a reconsideration of notions on alterity. With the aim of reinterpreting
  • “BichEden: Folds” uses philosophy of ecology and scientific concepts related to food web communities as empirical grounding for associative thinking in the creation of imaginative 3D visualizations. Driven by how the Anthropocene extinction is