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  • ... place in the historical process of quanitification...
  • A New Life -
    ... the human condition and social processes; the radical appropriation of...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... was added toward the end of the process. Another important move was to...
  • ... rotates and passes through a process of resolution and restoration...
  • ... The work uses the same image processing software originally...
  • Particle Dreams -
    ... particles simultaneously, one processor for each particle. Karl Sims
  • Pathway 1
    ... software. Prototipos de estos procedimientos se pueden encontrar en...
  • ... antagonist media into a single process.
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... shapes such as a cube. This process generates an infinite variety...
  • Tür - video
    ... "Seeing and movement as dynamic processes that take place in space are...