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  • ... occurrence, and by scanning their palm lines they contribute... to travel to various locations. User interaction at any location...
  • ... by co-curators Nestor Garcia Canclini & Andrea Giunta. “Where are... Where are you from?_Stories / Version 09 Date: 2009 Materials: interactive media...
  • ... research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. The videos... Where are you from?_Stories, 2002-2009, is a net-art piece supported by a one-year... an integrative approach in its use of media and documentary practices,...
  • Windscreen -
    ... it has been intremittenty used, most often metaphorically. I...
  • Wings -
    ... (HMD). The HMD we chose to use was i-glasses! by Virtual i-O....
  • Workaholic
    ... hair dryers. Participants can influence the pendulum's path... address, which the software can use to determine the location and path...
    ... at a public space in Tokyo. You can push and pull this pole on one side... at a public space in Tokyo. You can push and pull this pole on one... (source:
  • ... with the issue of abortion in Canada, interspersing opinions and...
  • Young Dancer aged 14;3Artist: Sophie HedderwickComment:
  • ... a selection of promising young Chinese artists. This collective... 2014 by the Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, here seen in its 2018...