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  • Stanze -
    "Stanze" is composed by a video-camera and a back-projected screen located in a void room. The camera is located at the top center of the screen. The observer has freedom to move around the room and several observers can interact with the artwork.
  • Neuro-Baby is a communication tool with its own personality and character. Through emotional modeling, it reacts to changing voices, handshake intensity, and facial expressions. Artificial neural networks allow the system to "learn" from individual
  • “MIC was a male baby with a distinct personality who responded more clearly to a variety of emotions, using voice patterns to make interpretations of emotions. For example, joy (happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment, comfort, smile) was extrapolated
  • Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, in the story and, therefore, this story supplies a good example of multi-person participation. People have a strong desire to act out the
  • Exodus
    The Exodus Project was a "virtual tele-performance" during Ars Electronica 1995 and brainchild of Michael Bielicky, a Czech-German New Media artist determined to replicate the biblical trail of the prophet Moses. This site is the Net result of
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    Paul Delvaux's paintings belong to a completely different art world to Lissitzky's Prouns : in the early twenties, when the Russian artist was exploring suprematist aesthetics, the Belgian painter was executing figurative landscapes. The
  • Digital Cubes consists of four cubes with a display on the top side that show various light patterns depending on how they are arranged. The Digital Cubes react very dynamically. One cube alone is dark and seems to be passive. When two cubes are put
  • zgodlocator -
    Zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive.
    The code of this Java-applet describes the movement of a red polygon. There are two modes: Whenever the viewer clicks on the screen, the polygon is attracted to the mouse pointer and forms a flexible circular drop that can be dragged around the
  • Sakrileg -
    This work of kinetic art is a machine that balances a little red ball on a cambered surface. By horizontally turning this tread clockwise or anticlockwise by a powerful motor, the control unit tries to keep the ball up and prevent it from falling