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  • ... which detects the human presence and generates different lighting patterns. Printed images are a conversion of the pictures...
  • ... meter tall columns holds a series of 6 Cold Cathode Florescent Lights encased in acrylic cylinders which form a matrix of 36...
  • ... Around the World doesn't mimic the original "digging" tool. It remains a spectacular way to dig into a cultural material. The matter...
  • ... The plants sing when the audience is touching or stroking lightly them. A plant concert is created. In their artwork, the...
  • ...Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  • ... in the hands of the very few, but the many have a handful of remaining assets to give us pleasure, and at the KHABP we shall... Art Ensemble (CAE) has responded with a public party to highlight the achievements of various oligarchies and plutocracies in a...
  • ... the physical movement is enhanced via controlled ceiling lighting, and an interplay between the illuminated triangles and the...
  • Metroscopes -
    ... represents this thinking through a constantly changing active lighting display in Ropewalks Square. Five circular LED dot matrix...
  • ... statement is quiescent. In correspondence with the traffic lights down the road, the message jumps between action and passivity,...
  • ...Urban Lights contactsArtist: Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt - ScenocosmeComment: