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  • ...Augmented Fish Reality is an in process interactive installation of rolling...
  • ... but seeing is not an objective process. It is influenced by our...
  • Audiopad -
    ... new beats, and apply digital processing all at the same time on the...
    ... direct interference with the process of creation. With usual...
  • ... other than the interpretive processes within a computer that will...
  • As far as the creases -
    ... contributes generously to the process of photosynthesis (the essence...
  • artTrap -
    ... aspect of the daily survival process (eating, sleeping, having fun,... can pay to have their logo or name projected on the wall. The size...
  • ... surface human/nature reveal processes connected to survival...
  • ArsRss -
    ... news feed determined from the processed feeds.
  • Architext - video
    ... from inside out. A 20m high column on the Europaweg at one of main... of 9 cylindrical LED alphanameric units with rotating texts that...