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  • Tangible Viewpoints -
    ... they represent, as well as their place in the overall narrative. These segments can consist of various types of media (video, audio, images, text), and can present character development, action and location with as much complexity as any scene of a film...
  • Robo Topobo -
    ...Robo Topobo brings the improvisation and performative thrill of video games to hands-on modeling and invention. “Robo” is a controller that children can use to save, replay and adjust playback of up to four Topobo recordings. With Topobo a child can bring his creations...
  • On translation -
    ... are part of the process of translation and by this directly coupled to the person of the translator. Above that, the video-documentation shows a reflexion on translation – and becomes by this a translation itself. The installation is a physical...
  • ... multiple physical pucks'positions and orientations wirelessly and in realtime. By attaching (placing) pucks on the video-projected network components (e.g. servers, clients, routers, lines) and moving them, users can change the network...
  • Petite Terre -
    ... In this initial version, the creatures respond to the movements of people around the installation as seen from above by a video camera and motion sensing system. Most of the animals are timid, so that the approach of a person will most likely result in...
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... beyond the physical limits of our bodies; virtual spaces and ideas are brought to us not by our fingers, ears or eyes but by video cameras, satellites, and digital wires. It is difficult to know where the individual body begins and our extended senses end. ...
  • Campos | Temporales -
    ...Campos | Temporales was developed as a large scale architectural video installation for 150 Media Stream, a curated video exhibition space in the lobby of 150 Riverside Plaza in Chicago. A musical composition by Christopher Walczak was presented on opening night. An...
  • ... artwork being created, and the reproductions available for purchase (to charity) are all $100. The work is presented as a video piece with all 10,000 parts being drawn simultaneously. The project explores the circumstances we live in, a new and uncharted...
  • La Membrane -
    Conception et réalisation du dispositif central, en interaction totale avec le visiteur selon des principes d'"architecture organique". "La membrane est un dispositif organique constitué d'un ensemble de surfaces virtuelles souples, mouvantes qui
  • Morel´s Panorama -
    ...Digital video installation Custom-made panorama camera, PC, data projector, Macintosh, loud speakers In Morel's Panorama, imagery fed from a panoramic camera (installed in the centre of the gallery) is mapped onto a rendered cylindrical image projected on the...