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  • ... influences when I was growing up were time which I spent in the southern USA visiting...
  • ... the same amount of flower blossom at a time. Each flower measures up to 30 cm across and...
  • ... which can demand days of supercomputer time or months on a desktop computer to execute.
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... Sauna accommodates one person at a time. Each visitor lays down on a gurney and is...
  • ... Clone I, such as reproductivity and the Time Code. Additionally, I added the Whore of...
  • -
    ... to the site a chance to watch in real time as the data-mining software does its...
  • Point to Point -
    ... of people in the physical space in real time. Sensors detect people as they walk through...
  • ... collected by GPS. This is the first time to use Panoramic lens for video recording and...
  • ... iconography of worldwide flags. In a time when national, political and social identity...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... the text of one of the light sticks. Over time these "electronic graffitis" change the...