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  • ... more dimensions from all angles. In the video installation Space Beyond Me he translates...
  • ... presents a complete 360 degree real time video view of the surrounding environment and...
  • ... the Creative Media Centre. To create the video art piece First-person Painter, a small...
  • ...Crystal Math. 1-channel video, 5.1 sound, 5000 m nylon-wire With thousands of meters of nylon threat...
  • Punishment 1 -
    ...The landscape imagery in the photographs and videos of the Punishment series recall the paintings of...
  • ...Interactive computer video installation Three doors of the environment 'Tür für Huxley' ('Door for...
  • Point to Point -
    ... website, computer, projector, and video cameras) is a public art work that uses the...
  • Eden -
    ... real and the virtual. Sound in the video documentation All the sounds heard in...
  • Double Life -
    ..."My double life" is a video installation made up of several diptychs. All individuals divide their...
  • Predicatable Lab -
    ... This operation is conducted through videoglasses which are connected to a camera...