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  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... the MOLECULAR ENGINE VIEWER, which is a type of molecular laboratory for their computer. What they will see on the web site...
  • Laberint -
    Laberint is a single-channel video based on the Platonic myth that woman and man were once one androgynous form. Live-action and computer...
  • LAB002:Twelve -
    LAB002:TwelveArtist: Chris HalesComment:
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... longer created through direct experiences but instead through mediated and simulated experience. Fictive fluid worlds. Our senses...
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to...
  • ... controlling the length of the hemline. This site is made available in conjunction with the exhibition of this installation. This... when the stock price falls, the hemline is lowered. This mediawork also utilizes a webcam to capture and display real-time...
  • utHOPEia
    ... the tension between realities and virtualities, through a labyrintHOPE. (Alok B. Nandi)
  • interskin -
    ... suits shifts the emphasis away from the computerscreen as mediator to the body itself. In the inter_skin project the body...
  • ... to each body part through a vein- or intestine-like labyrinth of tunnels. The tactile body suit worn by the...
  • Bio-Robotic Symbiosis -
    ... Bio-robotic symbiosis features a hexapod robot, two laboratory mice and the audience. The robot and the mice co-exist in a...