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  • ...Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through... Brain factory fundamentally questions the cultural contextualization of forms associated...
  • ... and Nanjing U Museum of Art exhibit for the first time in China “Just Dig It!” by Maurice... had to dig through from either end were cultural materials, made of images, paintings,...
  • ... Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During... opens a new potential for long-term cultural exchanges and academic collaborations. In...
  • ...Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions... Brain factory fundamentally questions the cultural contextualisation of forms associated...
  • ...ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts is the major academic event on Media Art, research and... CAD/CAM technologies with the site and culturally specific design narratives, intuitive...
  • ... Whitten, a painter who toured Canada in the 60’s doing controversial performance art....
  • Burnish -
    ... installation that premiered at the 56th Venice Biennale 2015 with 9dragonheads in...
    ... processing with physical interaction. The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is designed to simulate the... implied comparisons between the fearful culture of the Cold War and the culture of fear...
  • ... no. 3: 145 x 124 cm, no. 4: 145 x 116 cm The installation Anatomical Transfigurations...
    ... and reflection variable dimensions The video installation Butterfly uses radiological...