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  • ... is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative visual system including 4 real-time projections; 10 live musical improvisers; a...
  • ... in autonomously way. Everyone is invited to realize what is the new NATO. Another form of protest is the Netstrike that is a virtual sit-in, where a great number of people connect on the same day at the same hour to a institutional website of NATO, and so in...
  • ... actual presence of Sakamoto/Iwai, the machinery that is called the piano, the acoustic sounds produced by the piano, and the virtual images generated from computers were linked and developed in various ways. From the feedback produced, a radically new space...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... installation is accessible from two coupled access points. The first of these exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual organic projected onto a screen via a special interface box. The second access point uses the world wide web as its user...
  • ... Building as a living breathing entity. This innovative blue sky vision integrates the Nova building within the city, via virtual means and locates it within the global online network. We are literally putting the building on the internet and at the...
    ... to this subtle effect the images stand out from the wall and from each other while the two dimensional projections create a virtual image space and at the same time the effect of a real depth of space. It is not a pure or "naked" sense of vision, that the...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... result of motion capture and behaviors written in the computer program executing the animation. Visitors will think that the virtual portrait is responding to them in a way that only a flesh-and-blood individual does. This incident establishes a relationship...
  • ... Rhetoric uses the artist's predetermined responses to defraud the audience. Contemporary experiments known as intelligent virtual assistants such as Siri , Alexa or Lyra, are an initial step towards enriching human responses to software controlled...
  • ... an atmosphere that borders on the eerie. In a chroma-key room set up in Duisburg’s Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, visitors mingle virtually with visitors to the second location of the installation: a miners’ changing room, the “Waschkaue,” at a disused mine in...
  • Staircase
    ...A sequence of photographs was taken of people using the central staircase in the Stedelijk Museum. This scene was then virtually re-constructed by projecting these images full-scale onto two contiguous projection screens - one hanging vertically on the wall and the...