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  • ... a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The lighting of the room wraps down from the ceiling and onto the vertical...
  • 60 -
    ... each sine was in a harmonic relationship to the buzz of the lights. The amount of movement in each zone controlled the amplitude...
  • span 3 -
    ...isabelle jenniches span 3, 2008-2009 Digital LightJet print, 73.7 x 304.8 cm Acknowledgements: Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst,...
  • Time Stratum III -
    ... the synchronisation signals, and other 3 for making strobe lights in synch with the music. I animated images of animals,...
  • Season in Hell -
    ... and ruin, where media is all that is left of the corporeal remains of America. Where Empire runs its course. (source:...
  • Pulse Spiral - video
    ..."Pulse Spiral" is a three-dimensional spiral paraboloid made up of 400 lightbulbs arranged according to Fermat's equations, --an efficient...
  • ... box" version and as a large-scale projection room. A C-print lightjet edition also exists.
  • Underscan - video
    ... resets. The tracking system is revealed in a brief “interlude” lighting sequence, which projects all of the calibration grids used by the...
  • sandbox -
    ... and then dust devils or avalanches will appear, or lees where lightweight particles seem to dance over the solid surface.
  • Signals -
    ... originally operating a mouse is hidden from view, their trace remains tantalisingly present. Originally commissioned by...