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  • ...‚Daemons‘ refers to Vilém Flusser´s ‚Technobildern‘, a philosophy of photography as a new form of communication. Mixing live performance and digital animation, Banz & Bowinkel seek to define the perceptual parameters which depend on the union of the real and virtual....
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    ... public, primarily in virtual spaces, and politics has created a new paradigm of digitally enhanced artistic agencies. Media technologies, mobile media in particular and virtual counterspace, for one, have not only paved the way for a rhizomatically...
  • ... scans are used to create an augmented new visual sequences that is a further abstraction of Al Tawil’s initial work. The technical dynamics of the piece, such as the extremely fast frame rates and variable bit depths, challenge and exploration into the...
  • MUSEALL partenariat d’une institution publique (la Réunion des Musées Nationaux), d’entreprises (MoBen Fact, Art&Fact, Pertimm, Xedix, Techdev, COLT, Ogilvy) et de laboratoires (CEA List, IRI, LIRIS, LUTIN). eGonomy est un moteur de découverte « sérendipitaire » fondé sur...
  • ... management and dissemination. The work is about big data as a social and political statement, and explores the ways that all technologies related to data mining carry a predictive function: people analyze in order to make decisions and affect future human...
  • ... management and dissemination. The work is about big data as a social and political statement, and explores the ways that all technologies related to data mining carry a predictive function: people analyze in order to make decisions and affect future human...
  • ... an innovative artistic installation by Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein, a world premiere, and a prototype for neuro-design technology. Brain Cloud is made of a massage chair, an EEG headband, an LCD monitor and, thanks to its connection to the Gateway and...
  • ... not to forget about history but to know it better, and to be able to build on new common grounds. Still a spectacular technological performance, The Tunnel under the Atlantic has become a milestone in the history of contemporary media art. Two years...
  • ...At the same time an innovative art installation, a world premiere, and a prototype for brain design technology. Brain Cloud is part of the Brain Factory series of works helping the visitors, recently converted into “brain-workers”, to give shape to human abstractions...
  • ... urban media art, MoBen explores the limits of the promises of advanced media, unveiling their societal impact beyond their technological and aesthetic potential. Creating subtle though spectacular interactive artworks, he has been exhibited in major...