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  • horror autotoxicus -
    horror autotoxicusArtist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • Inspired by Pier-Paolo Passolini's 1969 film Theorema and by a dream Courchesne's daughter had when she was 10 years old. In the installation, visitors are planted somewhere in the Japanese countryside. From there they will try to make a
  • Landscape One -
    ... of relationship. The exchange may be cut short with...
  • Die Sprache der Dinge -
    Die Sprache der Dinge is an archive of personal memorabilia presented on a conveyor belt-like 'shelf' on the black monitor screen, and able to be arranged according to numerous objective criteria. Associative spoken texts accompany each
  • TechnoSphere installationArtist: Jane ProphetComment:
  • The Internal Organs of a Cyborg CD-ROM tells the story of two characters whose lives and identities collide in a hospital emergency room. The story is told in the form of a science-fiction-style comic strip using stock photographs from
  • UCBM (You could be me)Artist: Nell TenhaafComment:
  • It is 1919. Victor Tausk, a Vienese psychoanalyst examines a patient, Miss Natalija A. She tells him that her mind and body are being manipulated by a mysterious electrical apparatus operated secretly by physicans in Berlin.
  • Enter the mechanics of a mind shot through by the forces of elctromagnetism, language and logical torment. Inspired by the play Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights. A collaboration between Zoe Beloff and the Wooster Group Theater Company.
  • Beyond -
    In a playful spirit of philosophical inquiry, Beyond explores the paradoxes of technology, desire and the paranormal posed since the birth of mechanical reproduction: the phonograph severing the voice from the body, photography capturing the soul