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  • ... of the visible. The habitual process of seeing is infiltrated by...
  • ... rotates and passes through a process of resolution and restoration...
  • ... sounds, which were made in the process of recording, leading to a...
  • ... its own notion of home in the process of procreating neoteric and...
  • v01 -
    ... created: 1991 6.26-27.86 is named after the approximate date that...
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    ... through scaling, image processing and rearrangement. The... and rearrangement. The ornamental formations meander across the...
    ... real-time interaction (sound processing, viola live-electronics and...
  • ... imaging methods. Scaling, image processing, and rearrangement open up... "structures of life“, namely by microscopic images used in the...
  • ... the Bible, and also included the Proclamation of God’s Kingdom by the...
  • RISIKO -
    ... of "Fortress Europe". The proceedings follow an undeviating...