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  • ... pitches in a linear ordering, this is a simple way to audify a relatively slowly changing,...
  • ... of 1-1 relation was formed and brought to life via computer code. For each piece a set of...
  • OSMOSE - video
    ... After fifteen minutes of immersion, the LifeWorld appears and slowly but irretrievably...
  • ...noSphere is a 3D model world inhabited by artificial lifeforms created by WWW users. There are...
  • Beyond Hierarchy -
    ... better working conditions and an easier lifestyle. For Scott, history is about ordinary...
  • Crazy Hearts -
    experimental music group. Numerous performances in NYC clubs - Pyramid, Inroads, CBGB's, Danceteria, A7 etc. Released independent records: 1981 "Re-Generation”. 10"
  • Sictransitgloriamundi -
    ...SictransitgloriamundiArtist: Victoria VesnaComment:
  • ...Sometimes a Cigar is only a Cigar (Freud)Artist: Victoria VesnaComment:
  • Rambona -
    In "Rambona" the artist transposes the subject of "woman as object of desire" (cover girl) into an image of power. Rambo becomes Rambona. Says the artist, "Duga, a popular magazine in Serbia, came out with a cover girl dressed in a combat suit. The
  • Silicon Babe -
    Digital Print Installation