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  • Recreación Técnica es una serie que aborda la imagen como resultado de distintas fuentes de contenido: la experiencia propia a través de la memoria, los estados de pensamiento inconsciente y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro
  • La experiencia que tenemos de las cosas (tangibles e intangibles) se compone de acciones simples enlazadas a símbolos que encontramos en el mundo. Imprimimos estas experiencias a distintas áreas de nuestro cerebro y luego, de alguna manera, perdemos
  • Continuum
    Continuum is a mirror that "captures" anything that moves before it. Anything that does not move is not reflected but is lost in the inky blackness of the background of the screen image. Continuum is a "mirror" that "reflects" things as both a
  • UHD is a html game junky parody project in 3 variations. UHD is a browser based interactive split-screen audiovisual remix and color-composition-game using web-works and animations by UHD is an overdosing project, a critical reflection
  • 'Dark Matter' is a fully immersive, physically interactive, three-dimensional digital projection environment. The artwork explores whether the body might be perceived as an absence, inferred from the physical and cultural information around it. In
  • ... performed at the Sepulveda VA Neuropsychology Lab, California with...
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Information Pavilion was an air-supported hemisphere
  • Three inflatable pavilions, Information Pavilion, Video Studio and Auditorium, were commissioned and developed specially for the international outdoor art exhibition Sonsbeek Buiten de Perken. The Video Studio was a PVC tensile skin stretched over
  • ZKM Aussenkenung are a group of five outdoor LED displays that together constitute the signage for the ZKM Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. The contents of these displays are all freely programmable. 1 and 2. A tall column stands on the main
  • PlaceWorld is an embodiment of a physical electronic landscape (eSCAPE) that explores the potentialities of a new interaction paradigm: augmented virtuality. It was developed as an eSCAPE demonstrator in partnership with the European ESPRIT i3