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  • objects Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' The term "to see" is often used...
  • ... orbit. The globe rotates and passes through a process of resolution...
  • ...ght object Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'MotU #7' and 'MotU #8', from the...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... observer only when she/he is in motion. The inertia of the retina is...
  • Stairs -
    ... the video projection depicting passers-by carrying bags.
  • Tattoo -
    ... the top, pictures of tattoo motifs are projected onto the bags. The...
  • ... features two oversized hands in motion. They seem to be feeling out...
  • ... It's time to pause, turn motionless in all directions, dive... fields. Morphic Fields of Compassion are prototype electronic cyber...
    ... The rides are presented as stop motion videos composed of...
  • Curvature - video
    ... pen attached to a robot in motion produces random topographies out...