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  • ... based on its position monitored by a video tracking system. The size of the shadow...
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... nor VIRTUOSO they are like satellite shots of a world yet to be invented. The...
  • -
    ... to happen. With a diary, photographs, video and audio clips she documents the things...
  • Last Life -
    Connectez votre webcam qui filme une partie de votre vie, de votre environnement ou du monde réel alentours. Le Reality Show appliqué au jeu vidéo en ligne Votre webcam devient une fenêtre dans Last Life, la dernière vie, la votre. Si les autres
  • ...“It suits me well" is a video installation, a recording of a private performative act. After being...
  • ... environment as its viewable context. A video projector mounted behind the touch screen of...
  • World Without End -
    ... the project showed a first-person video game. The installation included a...
  • ... modifications, key-framed animations, video sequences or sounds. (F.A.B.R.I.CATORS)
  • Letter
    ... family. Letter is presented here as video documentation of an interactive reading...
  • ... BROADCAST 1995 For the International Video Art Award ceremony organized by ZKM...