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  • ... interface concept between real architecture (from the Hoffmann pavilion) and imaginary architecture, primarily based on virtual shaped elements by visionary architect Friedrich Kiesler.* A projection screen works as the interface between real space and...
  • Facades - video
    ... concepts of space, reality and perception, and the presented immersive experience is also an experience of instability. A virtual urban scene is developed in facades, constructed from arrangements of point clouds. Facades and streetscapes appear elastic;...
  • ... demonstrate in a very public way the rewards of acknowledging, cultivating, and acculturating multimedia, telecollaborative, virtual space. The six months prior to the installation of any technology in the participating communities were dedicated to...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ... media installations are situated at the intersection between analogue and digital reality, and between objectivity and virtuality. The integrated everyday objects, which embody the artificial images, refer to the world of things, but at the same time...
  • Virtual Terms -
    ... St Pölten (A), competition 1992, realization 1997 (after moving to the government district of St Pölten) The installation 'Virtual Terms' was designed for the Lower Austria Academy of Music in 1992 and realised after its reallocation to the government quarter...
  • ... time with Penelope leading the way, weaving the tapestry of the mind with her council of suitors. There is no relief in a virtual home, there is only a growing displacement and the joy of wandering in an ever-growing matrix and Nature of space-time. The...
  • Garden Of Changes -
    ... enigmatic answer to the query at the main pavilion. Different to speedy gamification and the pace of jump-and-run games, the Virtual Reality application invites to ponder, reflect and appreciate the green reconstruction of the vanished trees.
  • ... Nowadays wandering has taken a different route. It has been reformed by the wandering quality of the Internet. Through virtual, vegetal and noetic technologies, wandering is spreading to the unregulated field of consciousness where the alien, mystic...
  • ... of inside and outside, as well as questions on the construction of reality and of perception at the intersection of the virtual and the real. 'MOCKUP MODEL' is both materialized mediality and cult object. With its 23 carat gold-leaf surface it has the...
  • ... in the year 2000) gives continuity to the artistic strategy of implementing new forms of perception by intertwining real and virtual spaces of action. In Schnell´s installations Body Scanned Architecture or Gegen die Zeit the human body and its movement in...