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  • "Eau de Jardin" is an interactive installation which transports visitors into the imaginary world of virtual water gardens. The image of "Eau de Jardin" consists of a triptych, a three-sided projection screen onto a 12 x 3 meters vaulted screen
  • Nano -
    Two UCLA professors-media and net artist Victoria Vesna and nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski-are at the forefront of the intersection of art and science. Their groundbreaking project, 'NANO', now on view at the Los Angeles County Museum
  • Cross Currents -
    The multi-media project Cross Currents is the third part in the Yugoslavian War trilogy with Pietà (Neue Galerie, Graz, 1996, produced in collaboration with scenario URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1996) forming the second
  • Pentimento - video
    Pentimento was produced as an Interactive Video Installation and Interactive DVD-ROM during Dennis Del Favero's on-going Research Fellowship at ZKM which began in 1998. The Interactive Video Installation comprises an 8 metre square room with
  • Combining the political with the poetic, William Kentridge's work has made an indelible mark on the contemporary art scene. Dealing with subjects as sobering as apartheid and colonialism, Kentridge often imbues his art with dreamy, lyrical
  • A portable GPS device is linked to a cellular telephone containing a modem. Carrying this device, a person (e.g. a mailman) runs through the city. The data are transmitted to another location (e.g. a museum) via the telephone line. These data are
  • Image To Paul Klee -
    Length: 4min. 30sec. Electronic frequencies determine certain computer generated patterns and at the same time the movement of sand particles. The videographic inteference of these two images creates a poetic aspect akin to certain works of Paul
  • This installation took place in a real Super Clean Room at Toyoko Global Environment Laboratory. A "Clean Room" is an artificial air space without any dust or's air contains nothing: no contaminants. Such rooms are maintained in
  • This piece is contained inside of a "Biohazrd Tent", or isolation chamber. Inside of the tent are several I.V. drip bags for blood transfusions, delivery of drugs etc. Inside of each I.V. drip bag is a surgical glove which has been fitted with
  • The Book after the Book is a hypertextual and visual essay about cyberliterature and the net_reading/writing_condition. Its main focus is non-linear narratives, which reconfigure the literature/book relationship starting from the very notion of