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  • The Telepresent Onlookers utilizes the EVE (1993) visualization system. In the centre of a large inflatable dome, two video projectors are mounted on a motorised pan/tilt device which can move the projected image anywhere over the inside surface of
  • Conversations offers viewers an immersive, multimodal, interactive narrative experience exploring the events leading up to the escape, recapture, trial and hanging of Ronald Ryan at Pentridge Prison, Melbourne, in 1967; Ryan was the last person
  • The WILD Panoramic Navigator is a novel, interactive augmented-reality multimedia information terminal derived from the original Panoramic Navigator (1997). It provides a means for the general public to intuitively and interactively orient
  • Pure Land AR employs iPad screens that visitors use as mobile viewing devices to explore the magnificent Buddhist wall paintings inside Cave 220, a cave dated to early Tang, from the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang in Gansu province, China. It is an
  • In 2013 the internationally acclaimed Chinese calligraphy master Wang Dongling created a 2.5meter wide and 30-meter long calligraphic work of art as a gift to City University of Hong Kong The painting hangs down the nine floors of the imposing
  • This installation was a singular contribution to the larger multimedia performance Cloud Theatre: Shanghai Odyssey, a confluence of projected images, videos, urban sounds and a dance theatre that took place in the large domed Shanghai Cement Plant
  • For this project the authors created both an interactive application and a linear three-screen video re-enactment of the “Capping Ceremony of a Minor Official’s Son,” from the ancient Chinese Book of Li. The Book of Li (Etiquette and Ceremonial) is
  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT:Many of the prominent international practitioners in the field of software art could not participate in the first version of CODeDOC since the Whitney Museum is, by its mission, devoted to American artists (citizens and artists
  • number 418 My response: attempting to achieve perfection through imperfection. inspired by David RufoArtist: Sally SheinmanComment:
  • A visual/sonic installation that immerses the viewer in quantum phenomenon. Quantum Consciousness is an audio-visualisation of atomic data which indexes the quantum “movement” of an electron. This project delivers an aesthetic and immersive