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  • Bio-Mass -
    ... included in the triptych called Cyber-Vid Playroom. In this format it was reproduced in the...
  • Huichol Ghost -
    ... among the tens of 100s of images playing back at 30-frames per second which made...
  • ... in Valise" ( 1935-41 ). Valise in an iPod plays with the tension between the mass object and...
  • ... What else could we see, and do? When playing games, we usually can go back to the...
  • Optical Diffraction -
    ... these form a complementary unity that plays with our sensorial perception of space in...
  • ... with photogrammetry from eye level and birds eye view. Walk around to explore the...
  • ... person can feel the presence of sunlight, birds, flowers, grass, trees, and bugs. Yet, these...
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... doing nothing. The interactive installation plays with the imperative “Relax NOW!” A person...
  • ... themes of social interaction, intimacy, playfulness, and mutual availability. Find more...
  • ... collaboration, domination, or game-playing. Relationships develop between the...