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  • White Cube -
    ... the reach of this consideration. Recognition is the basis for environment espousal; therefore it goes through the production of...
  • Dildomatic Opera -
    ... rumblings that makes me think hard compulsive is not for its real recipient. I had the opportunity to say that the...
  • ...La première acquisition du fonds FAME de soutien à la création Emotion Forecast est bâtit sur le modèle des systèmes prédictifs du stock...
  • ... 2 Cela semble être particulièrement fort dans la perception sociale de l’art en Pologne. 3 The...
  • for pina
    ... film installation and live music designed to commemorate an iconic dance artist of our times ... Pina Bausch. Even though Pina's... for pina... Attakkalari Center for Movement Arts, Bangalore: "for pina..." a site-specific promenade performance presented with film...
  • Titrisme -
    ... status of a work to be appreciated? Titling, in its radical form probably an artistic career, is a consequence of art being...
  • ... la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé est une forme de générosité indirecte et qu’une main invisible redistribuera les...
  • ... l’histoire de l’art qui ne refuse aucun objet quelle qu’en soit la forme, la cause ou l’effet pour peu qu’il fasse école. Ce n’est plus à...
  • ...The audio-visual environment “Web of Life” is formed by an immersive conjunction of projected three-dimensional computer graphic and video...
  • Falling pixels -
    ... be real. The regular structure of the façade accentuates the formal aspect of the image.