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  • ... the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan...
  • ... us, the temptation our capacity to change the world and...
  • Plain Text -
    ... ever be written. I apply a version of this theorem...
  • 8520 S.W. 27th Place -
    ... its two heads making it appear to be contemplating its...
  • (in)human sciences -
    ... as “other spaces” capable to receive diversity and...
  • wi-fi sm -
    ... Generalized Semantic Capitalism. So, feel the ultimate... the information from approximately 4,500 news sources...
  • ... the Generalized Semantic Capitalism. “At the beginning... The Google Adwords Happening: how a global happening on Google...
  • ... 36064 observations takes approximately 5 hours.
  • Non-weddings -
    ... the ubiquitous Google-apparatus as a search-engine. It...
  • Fascinum -
    ... as the new forms of capitalism at the “Age of... to see what happens to the Web, if the initial...