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  • ... transitions - a complexity that cannot be grasped. These qualities are... of the datapool user and the logical rational of the...
  • ... Contemporary Art, the yellow canary was given a very large and...
  • ... future. The whole installation can, in turn, be read like an arcade,... perpendicular to the one you may currently occupy, leading to... to exploration of what may usefully, but extravagantly be termed...
  • Starbright World -
    ...right World was a pioneering online multi-user 3-D virtual world in which...
  • Skull v02
    ... integrate with the T-shirt as ‘canvas’. A black T-shirt for the substrate...
  • Telematic Séance -
    ... I discovered many aspects of user interaction that I have brought...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... to much the same thing, they can also transform themselves into each... becomes, the further the users enter into the telematic space....
  • ... separated from each other can share an aesthetic figuration in... also the result of the other user's actions at the remote...
  • Menagerie
    ... to and interact with its users. This experience allows a visitor...
  • SeeBanff! - video
    ... Turning the crank allows the user to browse back and forth, to "move...