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  • Decidophobia - video
    ... choice. A perfect labyrinth is all around, no orientation is possible, paths appear and disappear again, vanish completely, but new...
  • ... of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrayal of a...
  • ... holograms as the medium to present her charming gaze and posture. She only lived under the spotlight (without light, Eve Clone...
  • ... saved. The immersive installation lures the viewer to an era post-Anthropocene, in which humanity has long been extinct. All that...
  • Given
    ... of flowing substances. Participants can influence the position, orientation, and shape of their own character, the other...
  • ... the straw. to move the animal character back to its original position, users simply needed to blow toward the screen. ...
  • ... addition there emerge occasional frottages, screen prints or posters. Sometimes these objects are recontextualised by a performance...
  • ... easily decide if it is worth going back and trying the other possibility. This project is about the observations, how some take...
    ... some events can be changed in real-time, allowing for diverse possibilities through the performance. This changes are not casual or...
  • Storms
    ... that one can continue to explore different textual navigation possibilities or quit at anytime. Originally a Hypercard stack, it is...