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  • The Telegarden -
    ... March 1996. ``The Telegarden creates a physical garden as an environment to stage social interaction and community in virtual space. The Telegarden is a metaphor for the care and feeding of the delicate social ecology of the net.'' --...
  • ...The interactive 3D virtual reality installation "The Travels of Mariko Horo" is a reverse Marco Polo fantasy imagining the fictitious Mariko Horo as a Japanese time-traveler searching for the Western Paradise of Buddhist mythology, the Isles of the Blest floating in...
  • ... of markets to think through these questions for ourselves. With the aid of our senses, we dive into a playful environment in virtual space while our bodies remain in the real.
  • The Waiting Room -
    ..."The Waiting Room" is a virtual space that 50 users share through the Internet. The visitors to the space are strangers, united by the software, the Internet, and the artwork itself. In this space the visitor becomes a participant in a moving painting. Their actions...
  • ...The World Generator / The Engine of Desire (1996-present) marks an expansion of Seaman's work into the realm of virtual environments. Seaman collaborating with the programmer Gideon May authored a complex virtual world generator that enables users of the system to...
  • ... we are finally denied the most simple telepresent truth we expect from a mirror, putting the notion of the real and the virtual into question. By representing the domestic reality inside the installation as a fabrication of the technological apparatus...
  • ... In many cases, there is a merging of human and machine capabilities yielding what some call cyborgs, beings whose virtual reach and in this case, sight, extend beyond physical location. By looking at the world through the eyes of Tillie, the...
  • ... of society. To do that, I use digital media. That allows me to create a self-sustained ecosystem that exists in the virtual world and in a time parallel to ours. At the same time, I intend to make clear the direct interaction and connection that one...
  • ... experience of, for example, communicating on the internet, or the relative drudgery of complex computer programming. These virtual worlds exist as mind sets, where an understanding of multi-dimensional spaces is as necessary a skill as reading is for the...
  • ... 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid virtuality, which, particularly in the form of video projections that constitute an integral part of the installation together with...