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  • ... of light projected onto the image reflected by a mirror produces a layering of fractally-fragmented reflections, that is, a virtual multi-dimensional space in motion. – Uršula Berlot, 2010 'Behind the appearance of objective reality we find hidden...
  • ... thus creating a condensation of light into a crystalline projection. The kinetic, multilayered spatial structure creates a virtual picture of membranous veils of light, which in the dissolving borders between the exterior and the interior, the projected...
  • The kaleidoscopic rhythmic structure of a recurring pattern is not a computer-generated picture, but a video recording taken on a digital camera and a kaleidoscopic instrument. The infinite recurrence of one and the same element in micro- and
  • flows. Architektúra politick_ch prúdov. The architecture of social flows. Architektúra sociálnych vzopätí. The architecture of virtual flows. Architektúra virtuálnych plynutí. The architecture of the flow of time. Architektúra toku _asu. The architecture of flows of...
  • ... is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative visual system including 4 real-time projections; 10 live musical improvisers; a...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... is that between the installation space and the visitors. During the performance, visitors can walk freely around the virtual forest. There is a video observing the installation space and human presence influences the video projections; these...
  • ... new bodies - The avatars of female body, which will live in the cyber World of Female Avatars from now on. Just visit the virtual world and click for the virtual bodies and their statements!
  • T-wo.gen
    ... The World Generator promotes a form of active looking/listening/interacting/understanding. Through interaction with this virtual world generator, text potentially qualifies differing emotive aspects of the current computer-based emergent context. Media...
  • ... Partially funded by a study grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Developed at the Bauhaus University, Virtual Reality Systems Group, Weimar, Germany.
  • Mímesis -
    Virtual Reality Installation. Partially funded by an art grant of the Phonos Foundation, Barcelona, Spain. Developed at the Pompeu Fabra University, IUA, Barcelona, Spain.