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  • Explosions in the Sky -
    The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the digital com-pressure; the result are fragments, material, picture and sound units. The bottom and the top seems fighting but, in reality, this is their
  • 3 Seconds in the Memory of the Internet explores the notion of privacy and memory on the Internet. Three arbitrary seconds were selected from three different decades in the Internet's development: one from the 1980s , one from the 1990s and one
  • Streaming Conscience was created to celebrate Amnesty International’s 40th anniversary. The project enabled the entire content of the Amnesty International website to be presented in a vivid, animated and ever changing stream of information which
  • Tryalogue
    Three white balls in the field of snow. The balls are robots capable of autonomous and coordinated movements. They are exchanging information about their reciprocal positions and are using as a motion equation the law which is qualitatively
  • Faces in the Sky -
    Look to the clouds trying to image faces is a carefree game that everyone does. In Faces in the Sky the artificial intelligence of a computer try to do the same action through an algorithm made for search human faces inside photos. I submitted to
  • Deepwater Horizon -
    This work is the result of the overlapping of the most viewed worldwide YouTube videos since 20th of April 2010, day of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion, one of the biggest environmental disaster in recent years. I took these videos for
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    Feeding Consciousness takes inspiration from the fabled tower of Babel, when a united and ambitious people having attempted to reach for the stars, were confounded by God, their previously common language made incoherent, forcing them to scatter
  • From the curatorial essay by Christina Oyawale and Karina Iskandarsjah: "In this age of instant information and global communication, a key component of the machinery that assembles our 'borderless' world is the global shipping industry. Every year,
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    This project collects sound recordings taken in different datacenters, rooms where we store our data, websites and sensitive informations, as big clouds following us everywhere. Clouds seems to us intangible and impalpable, silent, due to their
  • Mobile Unit - video
    MOBILE UNIT 2001 The basic goal of the Mobile Unit is to provide a fully-fledged networked multimedia environment, which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet connection. This environment should enable people to display, edit and