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  • Gogoame -
    ... website's visitor frequently faces words that are briefly formed while letters are falling; those words are recovered from a database that is composed by texts written by other visitors. If he decides to be a writer, the visitor can make his own texts rain,...
  • ... inheritance of generations and nations: I have considered all the possible scenarios of events as large databases and reality as a process of hybridization, transduction and appropriaton. “He can bear with equanimity the loss of his...
  • ..."Botanica e Interfaz " consists of a native plant garden and a databases which collects the information about the environment state in Colombia.
  • ... a sonic environment and a libretto through brainwaves and interaction with audience. Noor: A Brain Opera connected five databanks to five screens that were primarily triggered by four different emotional states of the performer: relaxation, engagement,...
  • ... the Astrilab, it displays the 3D models resulting from the interaction as dynamic animated forms on the Hypercube and a full database of the brain production + brain waves monitoring on the Gateway. The Brain Cloud In times of the Industrial Revolution, we...
  • ... The work has a series of internal rules that play out different combinatoric strategies, as drawn from an extensive database of architectural typologies and processes. In particular the work includes a series of allegorical time-based images of...
  • ... pointing upward; and the system processed the symbol token for identity, location and orientation. Identity refers to a database that contains, in this case, 3D models, texture maps, and sound. Most tokens refered to 3D models but some were modifiers...
    ... different types of installation. During the night in any of the locations, the system goes into «sleep» mode, accessing a database of images of ideal skies mixed with colour alterations.
  • Langgpath -
    ...Kinetic sculpture that represents in real time the transfer of files from a database of moving bodies. Files of type BVH (biovision hierarchical files) are transferred between servers in the northern and southern hemispheres coinciding with the movement of the blades...
  • ...Virtual Reality Installation with HMD EyePhone and DataGlove. Developed at ART+COM, Berlin, Germany.