Archive Search

  • Corpocinema -
    ... created... imagery... history of... history of... history of... within and... and... PVC... The basic... history of... of the... visible by...
  • ... created... images on... In this interactive... In this interactive... In this interactive... plate... and grinds... - are... the viewer... In this interactive...
  • Primitive
    ... image. The... aspect of... very... This shows... This shows... This shows... Within... and... are basic... the... This shows...
  • Fugitive -
    ... to create an... image... this idea of... this idea of... this idea of... body".... with the... and... are... The user... this idea of... which...
  • Recollections I-IV -
    ... create... image is... every five... his or her... his or her... his or her... with... and passed... are... the... his or her...
  • Marchive
    ... creates a... of images... this project... this project... this project... of big... with the... and... are... the AVIE... this project... to... visible in...
  • Water Bowls -
    ... aspect of... and oil... are... of the most...
  • ... to create... and upload... to the... to the...
  • ... image via... aspect of... this edifice... this edifice... this edifice... with a... and... arfare.The... to the... this edifice...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... images... history. ... history. ... own bodies... history. ... body-based... an... with both... and... are the... an... the piece... history. ... A...