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  • Cityscapes
    ... user participation, databases, and a sense of the...
  • ... of websemantics and datamining the cultural memory of...
  • Urban Datascape -
    ...Urban DataScape is an interactive multimedia installation to immerse...
  • Prophylexis -
    ... images through databending techniques. Images...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... The work is basically a database of 350 reconstructions...
  • Timeline
    ... I collected a small database of images found on the...
  • ... selected randomly from a database of birthdays. As in any...
  • ... to make choices from a database of dialogue lines…a live...
  • ... a table, using only the dataglove's tiny Polhemus...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... verse from the database.The artificial voices are... two poems by William Blake: Little Girl Lost and Little...